Plant a Tree For the Jubilee!

You’ve heard of ‘Clean for the Queen’. How about ‘plant a tree for the Queen’? The Woodland Trust plans to create dozens of 70-acre woods to celebrate Her Majesty’s 70-year reign. Here’s how you can plant a tree for the jubilee!
Creating ‘Platinum Jubilee’ Woods
As part of the plan, The Woodland Trust is calling on landowners to make land available to plant trees. The charity hopes that as well as celebrating the jubilee, it will help tackle the climate crisis and create new wildlife habitats.
The Woodland Trust will be on hand to offer expert advice on planting trees as well as looking after them.
Why Do We Need to Plant Trees?
Trees have an essential part to play in tackling climate change. Trees clean our air and capture carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. They prevent flooding, keep us cool, and keep the soil healthy. They also provide wildlife with habitats. Spending time in nature can improve our mental health and well-being too. Trees play a big part in that.
Currently, only 13% of land in the UK is woodland. The average in Europe is 37%. To reach the UK government’s carbon net-zero target by 2050, the woodland cover needs to be at least 19%.
The jubilee planting scheme will contribute to The Woodland Trust’s aims of planting 50 million trees by 2025.
Want to Plant a Tree for the Jubilee?
Schools and Community Groups
Schools and community groups can apply for up to three million free saplings in free packs. These are available through the Free Trees for Schools and Communities Scheme.
The Woodland Trust is inviting landowners to help establish the Platinum Jubilee woods. Landowners across the UK can get advice on planting trees as well as expert guidance on forest management, and financial support.
Their 70-acre wood will be registered on an online ‘Queen’s Green Canopy’ map and they’ll get a plaque to mark their site.
If you want to plant a tree for the Jubilee in your own garden, you can visit The Woodland Trust online shop. What better way to mark the occasion than planting a tree at your very own jubilee garden party? It’s going to be a long Bank Holiday weekend and we’re already praying that the sun shines on the occasion!
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