November Gardening Jobs

Come November, there’s usually a distinct chill in the air. However, even though winter is coming, there’s still plenty to do in the garden to get it ready for spring. Here are the November gardening jobs that should be on your to-do list.
General November gardening jobs
Store your lawn mower away
Your mower has done its work for the year. With the coming chill of winter, grass shouldn’t need cutting that often. Give your mower a little bit of tlc before you put it away for the winter. Clean the underside, and if it’s a petrol mower, drain off the fuel.
Clear fallen leaves from paths and patios
Clear any leaves from pathways and patios as they can be slippery when wet. Leave any that have fallen onto soil as they will degrade and nourish it.
Get the soil ready for the spring
Get your soil ready for spring planting by applying some compost. Apply it in a 5cm layer and leave the worms to do their thing!
Spruce up your greenhouse
If you haven’t done it already, tidy up your greenhouse so it’s ready for housing plants come the spring. Don’t leave unused compost lying around in bags as it deteriorates. Use it to nourish your soil ready for the new planting season.
Get ready for the onset of winter
November heralds the arrival of frosts, so be prepared. Switch on your greenhouse heater and make sure tender plants are protected from the frost and have access to plenty of light.
November gardening jobs – Veg
Harvest seasonal veg
November is the time to harvest beetroot and turnips. Who doesn’t love a bit of turnip in their mash on colder days? Both beetroot and turnips will last until March at the latest, so make sure you use them up in those warming recipes.
Plant garlic
Growing garlic? Garlic likes a bit of cold weather, so November is a great time to start it off. Plant individual cloves in a cold greenhouse. Plant them 15cm apart in rows that are 30cm apart.
Give onions the once-over
Got onions in your veg store? Get into the habit of checking them every couple of weeks to see if they are firm and haven’t started to rot.
November gardening jobs – Plants and flowers
Plant tulips
Tulips may be a spring flower, but they do like cool, moist conditions. So what better time to plant them than November? Check your bulbs before planting, making sure they have intact skins and there aren’t any signs of mould. When it comes to planting, plant tulips three times the depth of the bulb for a beautiful display in the spring.
There may be a chill in the air in November, but wrap up and keep yourself warm by getting stuck into your November gardening jobs! For more articles on how to make the most of your outside space, check out the rest of our blog.