June Gardening Jobs

June is the month when the weather starts to heat up (in theory). If you want a colourful, thriving garden in the months ahead, there are plenty of jobs to do. Here’s our guide to June gardening jobs.
General garden care and maintenance
Keep everything watered
If we get a dry June, it’s important to make sure you give your garden a good water. Focus on plants you’ve recently planted and don’t forget container plants and hanging baskets. You should give your garden a good watering at least once per day.
Add your garden cuttings to your compost bin
Chances are you’re mowing your lawn more often now so there’ll be plenty of material to put in your compost bin. Add grass clippings and shrub prunings for nitrogen and flower stalks and shredded paper for carbon. Remember to keep your compost bin moist and turn it once per week.
Maintain your lawn
Try to cut your grass once per week and apply some lawn feed. Keep the edges tidy with a trimmer.
June gardening jobs – Growing your own veg
Are you a grow-your-own enthusiast? Here are the key jobs you need to do now.
Dig up potatoes
Come late June, it’s time to dig up early varieties of potatoes. If the leaves have started turning yellow, it’s a sign they are ready for harvest. If you’re growing maincrop varieties, you can leave them until September.
Sow new veg
Now is the time to sow carrots and kale to follow on from other veg you may have planted earlier on like lettuce and pea shoots.
Plant tender veg
There’s very little chance of frost now, so you’ve got the green light to plant tender veg like sweetcorn and courgettes outdoors. Keep them well-watered as they settle in and put down new roots.
June gardening jobs for plants and flowers
Move container plants and baskets outdoors
If you’ve been sheltering your container plants and hanging baskets indoors, now is the time to get them out in the sun. Remember to water them once per day if the weather gets hot.
Deadhead roses
Roses are in full bloom in June. Pruning them just below the head should make new flowers bloom quickly so you can enjoy them for as long as possible. So there you have it, these are the June gardening jobs you should have on your to-do list. For more interesting articles on gardening and how to make the most of your outside space, check out the rest of our blog.