January Garden Jobs

The temperatures might be decidedly chilly, but Mother Nature never stops. That means you need to get wrapped up, go out, and get your garden ready for Spring. Here’s our guide to the January garden jobs you need to add to your to-do list.
1. Clean Out Your Greenhouse
A clean greenhouse means healthy plants because pests and diseases won’t flourish. Also, keeping it clear of moss or grime will let in more winter sun. Here’s how to get your greenhouse ready for Spring.
Clean the structure inside and out
Your first job is sweeping or vacuuming to get rid of any debris. Then clean the structure itself with a good detergent. Wash the inside and outside of the glass. Is your greenhouse plastic? Test the detergent on a small area to make sure it doesn’t cause any damage.
Got dirt trapped in between the greenhouse window panes? Those plastic labels you get on plants are perfect for scraping it out.
Clean other structures
Cleaning other structures like gutters and water butts should also be on your list of January garden jobs.
Greenhouse guttering can easily get blocked. Here’s how to get rid of leaves and other debris:
- Put on some rubber gloves and run your hand along the inside length of the gutter. Scoop out leaves and any other debris.
- Check that the top of the fall pipes is clear. It’s a good idea to put some mesh over the top of the pipe so it won’t get blocked by leaves.
- Use a hose or watering can to loosen any remaining grime.
Water butts
Algae may grow in standing water and it also attracts mosquitoes, so clean out water butts at least once per year. Here’s how:
- Tip the butt on its side to let any water drain out.
- Scrub the inside of the butt with a hard brush then give it a clean with disinfectant.
- Rinse it out with clean hot water.
2. Recycle Your Christmas Tree
Second on your list of January garden jobs is recycling your Christmas tree. If you have a real Christmas tree, there are several great ways you can reuse it.
You can make mulch from the needles
Store your tree outside until the needles fall off. Your patio is the ideal place. Collect the needles and spread them over your soil. The mulch adds nutrients and moisture to the soil as well as making the soil acidic which certain plants love. Planning to grow strawberries, potatoes, or flowers like Marigolds? They thrive in more acidic soil.
Use your tree as a frame to support other plants
When your Christmas tree is bare, plant it in a garden border. It can be used as a support for climbers and other plants.
Make a wildlife habitat
Insects and other wildlife love to make a home in twigs or piles of wood. Chop the trunk of your old Christmas tree into bits and stack the wood. Alternatively, trim branches into short bits, tie them in a bundle, and then hang them in a shrub or bush.
Give it to the council
Many councils collect real Christmas trees and chip them to make compost or mulch for parks. Check your local council’s website to see if they have a collection scheme.
3. Help the Wildlife Out
Food can become scarce in the colder months and wildlife need somewhere safe and warm to shelter. As part of your list of January garden jobs, do these things to help wildlife thrive through the winter.
Feed the birds
Buy fat blocks and put them in wire cages for birds to feed on. Eating a high-fat diet in the winter helps keep them warm. Alternatives to fat blocks include things like peanut cakes, chopped bacon rind, and cheese which birds like starlings and wrens love.
While fat is important for birds, they need nuts and grains to stay healthy too. Fill some feeders with a good mix of nuts and seeds.
Make sure there’s plenty for wildlife to drink
Put a shallow dish or container of water at ground level for wildlife that needs to drink.
Provide wildlife with a safe shelter
If you have bird boxes in your garden, clean them out so they are ready for the Spring. For insects, try building a bug hotel. The Woodland Trust has some great tips on how to make one. This is a great project to get the kids involved in too.
Speaking of safe shelters, take care when you turn your compost heap. Wildlife often shelters in them because they’re warm.
Are you an avid gardener? What other January garden jobs are on your list? We’d love to know.
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