February Gardening Jobs

We’re not quite in Spring and the days are still chilly. However, there are plenty of February gardening jobs you need to do to get ready for the warmer days.
February Gardening Jobs – General Jobs
Put up a bird box
Small birds tend to look for a mate in late February, so now’s the perfect time to put a bird box up if you haven’t already. Remember the golden rules for the perfectly positioned roosting place for birds:
- Keep it out of the wind and strong sunlight. Angling the bird box slightly downwards will stop rain from getting in.
- Place it on a tree trunk, wall, or shed, 1-3 metres above the ground. Wherever you place it, make sure it’s out of the reach of cats, squirrels, or other predators. Also, make sure the entrance to the box isn’t obscured by shrubs or foliage.
- Don’t place the bird box near bird feeders. The idea is that nesting birds shouldn’t be disturbed.
Invest in fresh compost
You’re getting ready to pot plants and sow seeds. However, that bag of compost that’s been sitting in your shed for who knows how long won’t cut it. Is the packaging faded or is the bag waterlogged? These are sure signs you need to ditch it. Compost deteriorates over time which means it won’t be as effective. Buy fresh and you can’t go wrong.
Spruce up your greenhouse
Next on your list of February gardening jobs is sprucing up your greenhouse if you haven’t done it already. Tidy up any stray pots, give it a good scrub out, and clean the glass, inside and out.
Add mulch to your soil
Get your soil well-nourished and prepared for sowing and planting by adding mulch. Whether it’s garden compost or manure, spread it on the surface and your soil will be brimming with nutrients.
Turn your compost heap
Speaking of compost now is a good time to turn your compost heap. Composting is slower in the winter because colder temperatures slow down decomposition. Turning the heap will help speed things up once again.
Trim the edges of your lawn
Revamp your lawn after the winter by cutting the edges with a spade or half-moon tool. Maintain the neat new look with a strimmer or shears when you mow your lawn.
February Gardening Jobs – Sowing and Planting
Start sowing veg
Yes, the middle of February is the start of the growing season for many kinds of veg. Start off with hardy varieties that can stand a bit of a chill such as spring onions, lettuce, and spinach. Start the off in trays indoors then plant them outside when they’re starting to outgrow the tray.
Herbs more your thing? Plant garlic bulbs
Plant your garlic bulbs outside before the end of the month. Separate the bulbs into cloves and plant them with the pointed end up. Make sure you just cover the tip in soil. Place the bulbs in rows, around 15cm apart. Each row should be 30cm apart. Choose a sunny spot where possible.
Sow some annuals
If you want to plant blooms like begonias, sow them early in the year as they need a long time to grow. Always follow the recommendations for sowing times on seed packets.
It’s almost spring, so this is an important time of year when it comes to preparation for the warmer days. Here’s to thriving, healthy, and beautiful gardens in 2023! For more interesting articles on gardening and timber products, you need to improve the look of your outside space, check out the rest of our blog.