Eco-Friendly News: Trees to Plant For Climate-Friendly Gardening

When it comes to trees and climate change, you know the basic science. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which helps reduce the effects of global warming. Planting trees is an important weapon against global warming. You don’t need to plant a forest to make a difference either. Here’s our guide to the trees to plant for climate-friendly gardening.
Planting Trees to Tackle Climate Change
There’s the Trillion Trees Campaign. Then there’s the Woodland Trust’s campaign to provide free trees to schools and communities and more. There are many tree-planting schemes out there. It seems the world has caught on to the fact that trees play an important role in protecting us, the planet, and wildlife from a changing climate. Trees have several important roles including:
- Absorbing pollutants and carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in their trunk and roots;
- Soaking up rainwater to prevent flooding;
- Providing shade from the sun and intense heat;
- Providing wildlife with a food source and a habitat.
Trees to Plant for Climate-Friendly Gardening
You already reuse and recycle. Maybe you’ve started composting. Another thing you can do to help tackle climate change is to plant trees in your garden. Don’t worry if you don’t have a huge amount of space either. Climate-friendly gardening is simple and there are many trees that are suited to smaller gardens, according to the Woodland Trust. Here are just some of the trees the charity says will make a difference.
Crab apple tree
This tree will provide shade and cool your garden down on hot summer days. Not only that, it absorbs carbon and in the spring, its gorgeous white blossom attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. The crab apple tree can withstand dry summers. So even if you’re struggling with a hosepipe ban, this tree won’t.
Its fruits are a food source for blackbirds and other wildlife, and for us! You can make things like jam, jelly, and fruit liqueurs from crab apples.
Juniper tree
Juniper is a hardy evergreen tree which absorbs carbon all year round. Its dense foliage provides shade from the heat and is a hiding place for small wildlife. It’s a great nesting tree and food source of choice for small birds.
Osier Willow tree
This is a fast-growing tree which has existed in the UK since ancient times. Planting this tree is the ultimate in climate-friendly gardening. Birds love to nest in the branches. Its flowers are an important source of nectar and pollen for bees. Caterpillars and moths feed on the foliage.
This tree does well in wet areas and can help protect against flooding.
Hazel tree
Plant a hazel tree and it will absorb carbon for hundreds of years. That’s the first bit of good news. The second is that you’ll get a crop of tasty hazelnuts after only a couple of years. You’ll have to beat the wildlife to them though! Squirrels, birds, and dormice love to feast on hazelnuts.
Blackthorn (shrub)
If you’re a sloe gin lover, here’s an extra reason to get into climate-friendly gardening. After the blossom of the early spring, you can make sloe gin from the fruits that emerge in late summer.
However, it’s not all about the gin. Blackthorn is an important source of food and shelter for wildlife. The blossom provides pollen and nectar for bees and butterflies. Caterpillars feed on the foliage. Birds nest in it and feed on its fruit.
This tree matures fast and gets to work capturing carbon from the atmosphere.
Silver Birch Tree
With heatwaves fast becoming the norm, this is the tree you want in your garden. It doesn’t need as much water as some other trees. Its seeds are a source of food for small birds and it’s not just climate-friendly. Its pretty white bark will enhance any outside space.
Have You thought About Climate Friendly Gardening?
If you want to help tackle climate change from home, you could do worse than plant trees. There are other things you can do to create a climate-friendly garden, like making a bee hotel or planting wildlife-friendly native plants. Do you have a climate-friendly garden? We’d love to know! For more articles on eco-friendly gardening and sustainable timber garden products, check out the rest of our blog.