April Gardening Jobs

April showers may spoil your plans at times. However, the combination of the extra moisture and the Spring sun means you can see some pretty rapid growth in your garden. Here’s our guide to the April Gardening jobs that should be on your list.
Important April gardening jobs
Cut shrubs back
Some people prune shrubs in Autumn, however, this can leave them too exposed to the elements and disease over winter. Prune shrubs in April instead and they’ll grow quickly. The perfect place to cut? Just above the lowest new bud on each stem.
Sow perennials
April is the time to direct sow any perennials like cosmos and geraniums in your flower beds. Just clear the soil of weeds, give it a good rake, and then sprinkle the seeds on the surface.
Start off your fruit and veg
Next on the list of April gardening jobs is to start sowing veg like broad beans, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbages, carrots, leeks, parsnip, peas and spinach.
If you grow strawberries, put the plants into permanent beds now.
Give your lawn some TLC
Wait until those April showers have eased and the grass is dry. Then it’s time to cut your grass for the first time this year. Set the blades high for the first few cuts. Tidy the edges with an edging iron or shears. Is your lawn looking a bit patchy? Apply a good lawn feed and watch it flourish.
Get weeds under control
As the weather gets warmer, weeds will start to spring up. A good way to get on top of them is to apply a layer of mulch over the surface of the soil. This not only controls the weeds but feeds your soil and plants too.
Quick April gardening jobs
Give your containers and hanging baskets a refresher. Get rid of any winter bedding plants that are past their best and replace them with pretty pansies and violas.
Got herbaceous plants? These will be growing fast now, so put plant supports in place to protect them from damage. Make your outdoor space a haven for wildlife by scattering wildflower seeds now.
Got bird feeders? If not, get some set up now and see which species of bird you can spot between now and the summer. Why not make the most of those April showers and install a water butt to harvest the rainwater from your roof? You can even make one from a wheelie bin! Use the water you’ve collected to give your plants a drink and you’ll really boost your garden.
So there you have it, a guide to the April gardening jobs you need to be doing. Want more interesting articles on making the most of your outside space? Check out the rest of our blog.